Mustafa Alfarhan مصطفى الفرحان

PhD Students



B#1/L#3 – 3203-WS03

Research Interests

Seismic Imaging, Machine Learning

Selected Publications

  • Alfarhan, M., Deriche, M., & Maalej, A. (2020). Robust Concurrent Detection of Salt Domes and Faults in Seismic Surveys using an Improved UNet Architecture. IEEE Access.

  • Alfarhan, M., Deriche, M., Maalej, A., AlRegib, G., & Al-Marzouqi, H. (2020). Multiple Events Detection in Seismic Structures Using A Novel U-Net Variant. (2020)IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (pp. 2900–2904).


  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Scientific and Professional Membership


KAUST Affiliations

Earth Science and Engineering (ErSE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Non-KAUST Affiliations


Research Interests Keywords

Seismic Imaging Machine Learning