23 March, 2014
In Amsterdam '14 EAGE Annual Meeting the members of SWAG will be sharing the progress of their research according to the following schedule:
Tuesday, June 17th
Title: Prestack Exploding Reflector Modeling and Migration in TI Media
Authors: Hui Wang* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: Migration - Theory
Time: 08:30 am
Style: Oral presentation
Title: Two-dimensional Unwrapped Phase Inversion with Damping and a Gaussian Filter
Authors: Yunseok Choi* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: FWI - Theoretical Developments I
Time: 09:20 am
Style: Oral presentation
Title: Full Waveform Inversion Based on the Optimized Gradient and Its Spectral Implementation
Authors: Zedong Wu* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: FWI - Theoretical Developments I
Time: 11:20 am
Style: Oral presentation
Title: Effective Elliptic Models for Efficient Wavefield Extrapolation in Anisotropic Media
Authors: Umair bin Waheed* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: Seismic Modeling I
Time: 02:20 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Title: Spectral Implementation of Full Waveform Inversion Based on Reflections
Authors: Zedong Wu* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: FWI - Theoretical and Numerical Advancements
Time: 02:20 pm
Style: Poster presentation
Title: One-step Lowrank Wave Extrapolation
Authors: Ghada Sindi* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: Seismic Modelling I
Time: 03:55 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Title: 3-D waveform tomography sensitivity kernels for anisotropic media
Authors: Ramzi Djebbi* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: Anisotropic Parameter Estimation - Theory
Time: 04:20 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Wednesday, June 18th
Title : Linearized Least-square Imaging of Internally Scattered Data
Authors : Ali Aldawood*, Ibrahim Hoteit, George Turkiyyah, Mohammad Akbar Hosain Zuberi and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session : Least-squares Migration and Quasi-P - Theory
Time : 01:55 pm
Style : Oral presentation
Title: Scattering Angle Base Filtering of the Inversion Gradients
Authors: Tariq Alkhalifah*
Session: FWI - Theoretical Developments II
Time: 01:55 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Title: FWI and MVA the Natural Way
Authors: Tariq Alkhalifah* and Zedong Wu
Session: Image Domain-assisted FWI
Time: 02:45 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Title: An efficient eikonal solver for tilted transversely isotropic and tilted orthorhombic media
Authors: Umair bin Waheed* (KAUST), Can Evren Yarman (Schlumberger) and Garret Flagg (Schlumberger)
Session: Seismic Modeling III
Time: 03:55 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Title: Approximate P-wave ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing in weakly orthorhombic media of varying symmetry orientation
Authors: Nabil Masmoudi* and Ivan Psencik
Session: Seismic Modelling III
Time: 04:45 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Thursday, June 19th
Title: Frequency Scaling for Angle Gathers
Authors: Mohammad Akbar Hosain Zuberi* and Tariq Alkhalifah
Session: Velocity Analysis - Theory
Time: 02:45 pm
Style: Oral presentation
Title: A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for P-wave Modeling in Tilted TI Media
Authors: Thomas G. Amler*, Tariq Alkhalifah and Ibrahim Hoteit
Session: Seismic Modelling IV
Time: 03:55 pm
Style: Oral presentation